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Nóe Reinhardt

Instrument: Guitars

Who is Nóe Reinhardt?

Noé Reinhardt, born on February 16th, 1979, is a gifted guitarist and musician with a familial connection to the legendary Django Reinhardt. As a cousin of David Reinhardt, Noé shares a direct lineage to Django through Laurence “Negros” Reinhardt, Django’s mother. This familial tie provides him with a rich heritage and a deep understanding of the traditions and nuances of gypsy jazz.

Noé’s discography includes his contribution to the compilation album “Jazz Manouche (Tous Les Plus Grands Succes)” released by Universal Music Classics & Jazz France in 2012. The album, featuring various artists, including Noé Reinhardt, showcases the captivating charm and virtuosity of the gypsy jazz genre.

While the specific details of Noé Reinhardt’s musical career beyond his discography are not provided, it is clear that his connection to Django Reinhardt and his involvement in the gypsy jazz scene have played a significant role in shaping his musical journey. As a guitarist and a member of the Reinhardt family, Noé carries on the legacy of Django, contributing to the vibrant and evolving landscape of gypsy jazz.