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Sebastian Di Lorenzo

Instrument: Guitar

Who is Sebastian Di Lorenzo?

Sebastian Javier Di Lorenzo, an Argentine musician, was born in Buenos Aires in 1984. He is a teacher, composer, guitarist, and director of the “Arpegios Musical” School. He is also the creator of the project “Un Canto a la Inclusión” (A Song for Inclusion). He began his music studies at the Juan Pedro Esnaola School and completed them at EMBA. He also attended the Alfredo Schiuma Classical Conservatory in San Martín. He studied jazz with great masters such as Ricardo Pellican, Marcelo Mayor, and Ramiro Penovi. In 2014, he finished his professional jazz musician career at the Ricardo Pellican Academy of Popular Music.

He has shared the stage with renowned local and international jazz musicians, including Scott Henderson, Camile Bertault, Antonio Hart, Remi Harrys, Ricardo Lew, Ricardo Pellican, Manuel Fraga, and Oscar Giunta.

Sebastian has participated in international festivals such as Django Chile 2018 and Django Latin America Jazz Festival 2021 (Brazil). He has also taken part in online festivals such as the Colombia 2020 Festival and the Chile 2020 Festival.

Additionally, he has participated in the B.A. Jazz Festival 2019, the Merlo Jazz Festival 2021, the San Martín Jazz Festival 2023, and the Django Argentina International Jazz Festival in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

He performed at the Django Jazz Festival in 2019 as part of a show held in the Congress of the Nation ‘s “Salón Pasos Perdidos” (Lost Steps Hall).

Sebastian has been directing and coordinating the Arpegios Jazz Festival since 2019 to 2023.

He is dedicated to music education for children and youth, promoting ensembles, live music, and inclusion through his own authored study program. He is the author of the “Jazz & Peques” project.

During 2023, he participated together with Ricardo Pellican in the Festival Internacional Django Argentina, and travelled to Brazil for the Django Festival on that country.

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