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Walter Malosetti

Instrument: Guitar

Who is Walter Malosetti?

Walter Rufino Malosetti was a renowned Argentinian guitarist, born on June 3, 1931, in Cordoba. He was influenced by the legendary Louis Armstrong and Django Reinhardt, and he started his career on the jazz scene of Buenos Aires in the 1950s. Malosetti played in several groups, including the Guardia Vieja Jazz Band, California Ramblers, The Georgians Jazz Band, and others. He was also a member of trío Crazy Fingers, Blue Strings, and Swing Timers.

In 1958, Malosetti earned a degree as a guitar teacher, continuing the work of Irma Constanzo, an Argentine female guitarist. As a guitar teacher, he performed live jazz with other musicians such as Oscar Alemán, Hernán Oliva, Roberto “Fats” Fernández, Carlos Constantini, Héctor, and Rubén “Baby” López Furst, and Jorge “Negro” González, among others.

In addition to his performance career, Malosetti opened the Walter Malosetti guitar academy, where he taught guitar to aspiring musicians. He also wrote several guitar instructional books to share his knowledge and expertise with others.

An important fact, is that Walter Malosetti is uncle of the great Ricardo Pellican, with who he shared more than 25 years playing together, toured and shared stage, a thousand times.

Malosetti’s passion for jazz and guitar led him to form several bands, including Swing 39 with Ricardo Pellican, Hector Lopez Furst, Swing Club with Mauricio Percan, Jorge “Negro” Gonzalez, and Roberto Terzano. These bands helped to promote jazz music and cultivate the next generation of jazz musicians.

Malosetti’s musical talent and contributions to the world of jazz were widely recognized. He received many awards, including the Konex Award in 1985, which is given to the most outstanding personalities in Argentina’s cultural and scientific fields. He also received recognition from the city of Buenos Aires and the National Ministry of Culture for his contributions to the music industry.

His last years, que performed and recorded also, with the virtuoso argentinean jazz guitarist Walter Coronda, former student of Walter, who became a friend and partner.

Walter Malosetti passed away on July 29, 2013, leaving behind a legacy of music and inspiration for generations to come. He will always be remembered as one of the most talented and influential jazz guitarists in Argentina’s history.      

Walter Malosetti Biography

1992 – Todo de mí

1994 – Tributo a Django Reinhardt

1997 – Stringtime in Buenos Aires

2000 – Grama

2005 – Relax

2006 – Palm

2012 – Esencia

Publicaciones bibliográficas

1975 – Bases de improvisación para guitarra

1976 – Armonías de blues

1979 – Melodías de Blues

1979 – El libro de las escalas

1981 – Método de iniciación guitarrística

1983 – Para Django

1984 – Música de Jazz para guitarra española

1986 – Lectura 1

1989 – Músicas para guitarras (libro + casete)

2003 – Swing y blues

2007 – Nuevo método de guitarra jazz

Premios y nominaciones

1993 – Nominación Premio ACE al Mejor Álbum de Jazz por Todo de mi.

1995 – Nominación Premio ACE al Mejor Álbum de Jazz por Tributo a Django Reinhardt.

2005 – Ganador del Premio Clarín como Figura de Jazz del Año.

2007 – Nominación Premio Carlos Gardel – al Mejor Álbum de Jazz por Palm.

2008 – Homenajeado por el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires por su trayectoria como docente, músico, compositor e intérprete.

2009 – Declarado Ciudadano Ilustre de la Ciudad de Morón.2​

2011 – Declarado personalidad destacada de la cultura en la Legislatura porteña.3​

2012 – Ganador del Segundo premio por la categoría “Música jazz y Música melódica” en los Premios Nacionales, por su obra “Blues for Joe”.4​

1992 – Todo de mí (All of Me)

1994 – Tributo a Django Reinhardt (Tribute to Django Reinhardt)

1997 – Stringtime in Buenos Aires

2000 – Grama (Grass)

2005 – Relax

2006 – Palm

2012 – Esencia (Essence)



1975 – Bases de improvisación para guitarra (Improvisation Basics for Guitar)

1976 – Armonías de blues (Blues Harmonies)

1979 – Melodías de Blues (Blues Melodies)

1979 – El libro de las escalas (The Book of Scales)

1981 – Método de iniciación guitarrística (Guitar Initiation Method)

1983 – Para Django (For Django)

1984 – Música de Jazz para guitarra española (Jazz Music for Spanish Guitar)

1986 – Lectura 1 (Reading 1)

1989 – Músicas para guitarras (book + cassette) (Music for Guitars)

2003 – Swing y blues (Swing and Blues)

2007 – Nuevo método de guitarra jazz (New Jazz Guitar Method)


Awards and nominations:

1993 – Nominated for the ACE Award for Best Jazz Album for “Todo de mi”

1995 – Nominated for the ACE Award for Best Jazz Album for “Tributo a Django Reinhardt”

2005 – Winner of the Clarin Award as Jazz Figure of the Year

2007 – Nominated for the Carlos Gardel Award for Best Jazz Album for “Palm”

2008 – Honored by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires for his career as a teacher, musician, composer, and performer

2009 – Declared Illustrious Citizen of the City of Morón

2011 – Declared Outstanding Personality of Culture by the Buenos Aires Legislature

2012 – Winner of the Second Prize in the “Jazz and Melodic Music” category at the National Awards, for his work “Blues for Joe”